You, as well as many other people, may not really think too much about the environment when you’re using all of your household electronic items. Unfortunately, everything that is done affects the environment one way or another. There’s tons of ways to use green energy to improve the environment. The next few paragraphs will serve as a primer on green energy technologies that you can use in your home.
Making small adjustments to the way you use energy every day can ultimately reduce your consumption. When a certain appliance is not in use, unplug it. Turn off lights and other electronics in a room when you leave. This can save you money and it’s simple.
Instead of blasting the air conditioner to keep cool in summer, wear clothes made from naturally cooling fabrics. Fabrics like cotton naturally draw moisture away from the skin, allowing it to stay cooler. You may feel warmer when you wear warm-colored clothing, so wear light-colored clothing in order to use the air conditioner less.
Do your laundry using cold water, if you can. Almost 90 percent of energy consumed by washing machines is used when heating the water. Most good quality laundry detergents work just as well in cold water. Furthermore, remember to always wash a full load, as this is more energy efficient.
Don’t run the dishwasher unless it is filled to capacity. The dishwasher uses the same energy when full that it uses when empty, but you’ll have to run it less often. Using the air-dry setting will save energy when you run the dishwasher.
Hot water can be obtained in a low cost, environmentally friendly manner through solar energy. Purchase a solar water heating system. You have a choice between both an indirect or direct circulation system. If frozen pipes are a concern where you live, the indirect option is probably better.
When thinking about home solar systems, think about how much energy will be produced during winter. When you do this, you understand how much you should be consuming on a daily basis during winter, and you won’t become surprised one day. If you’re using a type of net usage plan, you’ll receive money back during the summer from your utility company for energy you’re generating!
If you try to promote living sustainably then use your heater as little as you can during winter. Using a fireplace and wearing warm clothing are good, energy-saving alternatives to using electric heaters. Keep in mind that cooler air is better for your breathing while you sleep as it prevents your airways from becoming dry.
Degrees Warmer
An easy way to cut energy costs and go green is to dress warm. Even just a lightweight sweater keeps you two degrees warmer, and a heavyweight sweater will keep you four degrees warmer. The more layers you wear at home, the less energy you will need to use heating your house.
Hire experts to check your plumbing and heating systems before investing a lot of money in installing new, greener systems. They will let you know how costly your appliances are, and they can give a detailed estimate on how much the costs will be to replace or upgrade your existing systems.
Try receiving as much messaging as you can via email. Live a paperless lifestyle whenever possible. This will save the businesses you deal with a great deal on energy costs and mailing expenses. Not only that, it is also great for the environment too.
Less Energy
Energy Star rated appliances should be used in the home. Appliances that have an Energy Star rating states that the particular appliance being used is made to consume less energy compared to its predecessor that is not rated. For refrigerators and freezers, the rating promises 20% less energy used, for dishwashers 40% less energy used, and for washing machines at least 50% less energy used!
Try to resort to your microwave whenever possible. When cooking, stoves and ovens often use lots of energy, usually more than is needed. So, by microwaving instead, you save a lot of energy.
When you are shopping for items made of wood, consider things made from bamboo. Bamboo is technically grass and is a “green product”, but it is often much stronger than other available woods. Since bamboo grows quite fast it is one of the best renewable choices you can make. You can find a variety of bamboo products, from floors to furniture to cutting boards for the kitchen. Because bamboo is so renewable, the need for recycling is lessened, which saves energy.
Your electric company can be a great resource for taking a look at how you can make your house energy-efficient. Many power companies have websites with tools that allow you to calculate your hourly energy consumption and tips for reducing your bill. Look into programs that include discounts or rebates for purchasing more efficient appliances, light bulbs, thermostats or other products.
Energy Star
The easiest way to find these appliances is to look on them for an Energy Star badge. If your appliance has an ENERGY STAR logo, then it falls within the guidelines set by both the U.S. Department of Energy in addition to those of the Environmental Protection Agency. You can get a tax rebate from these type of items, as well.
Solar panels can be a great addition for your home, making it more efficient and greener. Adding solar panels does require a significant investment amount up front, but the cost savings of using solar power over several years will more than make up for it. Once the panels are in place, solar power is free. In some cases, you might be able to sell excess power your panels produce to local utility companies.
You may not always think of the damaging effects of your energy consumption on environmental quality. Yet you can now change this, now that you understand how to go green you can make the necessary changes in your life. Use what you have learned here and start making your home a more environmentally friendly place to live.